Course Outcomes

First Year M.B.A. - Semester: I & II Course Outcome

Subject (Course Name) and CodeCOBT-LevelDescription
101- Managerial AccountingCO101.1RememberingDESCRIBE the basic concepts related to Accounting, Financial Statements, Cost Accounting, Marginal Costing, Budgetary Control and Standard Costing
CO101.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN in detail, all the theoretical concepts taught through the syllabus.
CO101.3ApplyingPERFORM all the necessary calculations through the relevant numerical problems.
CO101.4AnalysingANALYSE the situation and decide the key financial as well as non-financial elements involved in the situation.
CO101.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the financial impact of the decision.
CO101.1RememberingDESCRIBE the basic concepts related to Accounting, Financial Statements, Cost Accounting, Marginal Costing, Budgetary Control and Standard Costing
CO101.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN in detail, all the theoretical concepts taught through the syllabus.
102 Organizational BehaviorCO102.1RememberingDESCRIBE the key concepts of organizational behavior.
CO102.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND theories about how managers should behave to motivate and control employees.
CO102.3ApplyingARTICULATE aspects of organizational culture and interpret cultural diversity.
CO102.4AnalyzingBUILD people and leadership skills essential for managerial success.
CO102.5EvaluatingANALYSE causes of conflict and OUTLINE conflict management strategies that managers can use to resolve organizational conflict effectively.
CO102.6CreatingEXPLAIN group and teams dynamics leading to organizational effectiveness.
104- Business Research MethodsCO104.1RemergingEnumerate and define various concepts & terms associated with scientific
CO104.2UnderstandingBusiness research.
CO104.3ApplyingExplain the various types of measurement scales & attitude scaling techniques and their application in the context of business research.
CO104.4AnalyzingDesign a variety of data collection instruments for contemporary business research issues and apply the principles of sampling and sample size determination to contemporary business research problems.
CO104.5EvaluatingAnalyze and graphically present quantitative data and derive actionable inferences from the same from a decision making perspective.
CO104.6CreatingConstruct different types of testable hypotheses and interpret the statistical test outcomes.
105 Basics of MarketingCO105.1RememberingDEFINE the various concepts, terms in marketing and the various company orientations towards the market place
CO105.2UnderstandingCLASSIFY the various components of the marketing environment of a firm and explain the same in detail.
CO105.3ApplyingAPPLY principles of segmentation, targeting and positioning to real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/e-services.)
CO105.4AnalyzingBREAKDOWN the consumer buying behavior journey into various components and DISTINGUISH between various buying roles for a real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ e-services.)
CO105.5EvaluatingDEVELOP and EXPLAIN the marketing mix for real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ e-services.)
CO105.6CreatingELABORATE on the various types of Product Life Cycles and RELATE them with the marketing mix in the context of real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ e-services.).
106 Digital BusinessCO106.1RememberingDESCRIBE the conceptual framework of e commerce, mobile commerce and social commerce.
CO106.2UnderstandingSUMMARIZE the impact of information, mobile, social, digital, IOT and related technologies on society, markets & commerce.
CO106.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE value creation & competitive advantage in a digital Business environment.
CO106.4AnalyzingEXAMINE the changing role of intermediaries, changing nature of supply chain and payment systems in the online and offline world.
CO106.5EvaluatingCLASSIFY the prevalent digital business models into various groups and OUTLINE their benefits and limitations.
CO106.6CreatingEXPLAIN the various applications of Digital Business in the present day world.
CO106.1RememberingDESCRIBE the conceptual framework of e commerce, mobile commerce and social commerce.
107 Management of FundamentalsCO107.1RemergingENUMERATE various managerial competencies and approaches to management.
CO107.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the role and need of Planning, Organizing, Decision Making and Controlling.
CO107.3ApplyingMAKE USE OF the principles of goal setting and planning for simple as well as complex tasks and small projects.
CO107.4AnalyzingCOMPARE and CONTRAST various organizational structures of variety of business and not-for-profit entities in a real world context.
CO107.5EvaluatingBUILD a list of the decision making criteria used by practicing managers, leaders and entrepreneurs in routine and non-routine decision making situations and EVALUATE and EXPLAIN the same.
CO107.6CreatingFORMULATE and DISCUSS a basic controlling model in a real life business, start-up and not-for-profit organizational context.
109 Entrepreneurship DevelopmentCO109.1RememberingDEFINE the key terms, LIST the Attributes and Characteristics of Entrepreneurs features and ENUMERATE the Factors influencing Entrepreneurship Growth.
CO109.2UnderstandingDISCUSS the various theories of entrepreneurship.
CO109.3ApplyingCONSTRUCT a framework for a typical EDP.
CO109.4AnalysingOUTLINE the role of Government and various support organizations in encouraging and supporting Entrepreneurship.
CO109.5EvaluatingCOMPOSE an inventory of possible entrepreneurial opportunities in contemporary local, regional and national context.
CO109.6CreatingCREATE a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture.
111 Legal Aspects of BusinessCO111.1RememberingDESCRIBE the key terms involved in each Act.
CO111.2UnderstandingSUMMARIZE the key legal provisions of each Act.
CO111.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE the use of the Acts in common business situations.
CO111.4AnalysingOUTLINE the various facets of basic case laws of each Act from a legal and managerial perspective.
CO111.5EvaluatingDEVELOP critical thinking by making judgments related to use of various provisions of the Acts in business situations
113 Verbal Communication LabCO113.1RememberingRECOGNIZE the various elements of communication, channels of communication and barriers to effective communication.
CO113.2UnderstandingEXPRESS themselves effectively in routine and special real world business interactions.
CO113.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE appropriate use of body language.
CO113.4AnalysingTAKE PART IN professional meetings, group discussions, telephonic calls, elementary interviews and public speaking activities.
CO113.5EvaluatingAPPRAISE the pros and cons of sample recorded verbal communications in a business context.
CO113.6CreatingCREATE and DELIVER effective business presentations, using appropriate technology tools, for common business situations.
114 Enterprise Analysis - Desk ResearchCO114.1RememberingDESCRIBE the key historical, organizational, market related, financial, governance, leadership and social responsibility dimensions of a real world business organization
CO114.2UnderstandingSUMMARIZE the regional, national and global footprint of a real world business organization.
CO114.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE the use of secondary – offline and online resources to profile a real world business organization.
CO114.4AnalysingANALYSE, using tables and charts, the trends in market standing and financial performance of a real world business organization over the last 5 years.
CO114.5EvaluatingCOMPOSE a succinct summary of future plans of a real world business organization the company website, shareholders reports and other information available in the public domain.
CO114.6CreatingIMAGINE the key challenges and opportunities for a real-world business organization in the immediate future (1 to 3 years).
116 Ms ExcelCO116.1RememberingSELECT appropriate menus and functions of MS Excel to Create, Format, Import, Merge, Save, Print Spreadsheets & Charts using business data.
CO116.2UnderstandingSHOW how to do basic troubleshooting and fix mistakes most people make when working with spreadsheets.
CO116.3ApplyingUSE various functions of MS Excel, Execute pivot table analysis, common (and powerful functions), and different types of lookups (vlookup, hlookup, and index/match).
CO116.4AnalysingILLUSTRATE the use of the most commonly used data-manipulation commands in MS Excel.
CO116.5EvaluatingDERIVE insights from multiple data sources in MS EXCEL and work with it to answer relevant business questions.
CO116.6CreatingCREATE standard Excel Templates for routine business data management and analysis activities.
201 Marketing ManagementCO201.1RememberingDESCRIBE the key terms associated with the 4 Ps of marketing
CO201.2UnderstandingCOMPARE and CONTRAST various approaches to pricing for a real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ e-services.)
CO201.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE an understanding of various channel options for a real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ eservices.)
CO201.4AnalysingEXAMINE the product line of a real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ e-services.)
CO201.5EvaluatingEXPLAIN the role of various communication mix elements for a real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ e-services.)
CO201.6CreatingDESIGN a marketing plan for a real world marketing offering (commodities, goods, services, e-products/ e-services.)
202 Financial ManagementCO202.1RememberingDESCRIBE the basic concepts related to Financial Management, Various techniques of Financial Statement Analysis, Working Capital, Capital Structure, Leverages and Capital Budgeting.
CO202.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN in detail all theoretical concepts throughout the syllabus
CO202.3ApplyingPERFORM all the required calculations through relevant numerical problems
CO202.4AnalysingANALYZE the situation and comment on financial position of the firm, estimate working, capital required, decide ideal capital structure, evaluate various project proposals
CO202.5EvaluatingEVALUATE impact of business decisions on Financial Statements, Working Capital, Capital Structure and Capital Budgeting of the firm
203 Human Resource ManagementCO203.1RememberingDESCRIBE the role of Human Resource Function in an Organization.
CO203.2UnderstandingENUMERATE the emerging trends and practices in HRM
CO203.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE the different methods of HR Acquisition and retention
CO203.4AnalysingDEMONSTRATE the use of different appraisal and training methods in an organization.
CO203.5EvaluatingOUTLINE the compensation strategies of an organization
CO203.6CreatingINTERPRET the sample job descriptions and job specifications for contemporary entry level roles in real world organizations
204 Operation and Supply Chain managementCO204.1RememberingDEFINE basic terms and concepts related to Production, Operations, Services, Supply Chain and Quality Management.
CO204.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the process characteristics and their linkages with process-product matrix in a real world context.
CO204.3ApplyingDESCRIBE the various dimensions of production planning and control and their inter-linkages with forecasting
CO204.4AnalysingCALCULATE inventory levels and order quantities and MAKE USE OF various inventory classification methods.
CO204.5EvaluatingOUTLINE a typical Supply Chain Model for a product / service and ILLUSTRATE the linkages with Customer Issues, Logistic and Business Issues in a real world context
CO204.6CreatingELABORATE upon different operational issues in manufacturing and services organizations where the decision-making element is emphasized.
209 Start Up and New Venture ManagementCO209.1RememberingDESCRIBE the strategic decisions involved in establishing a startup.
CO209.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the decision making matrix of entrepreneur in establishing a startup.
CO209.3ApplyingIDENTIFY the issues in developing a team to establish and grow a startup
CO209.4AnalysingFORMULATE a go to market strategy for a startup
CO209.5EvaluatingDESIGN a workable funding model for a proposed startup.
CO209.6CreatingDEVELOP a convincing business plan description to communicate value of the new venture to customers, investors and other stakeholders.
208 - Geopolitics & World Economic SystemsCO208.1RememberingENUMERATE the various elements of global economic system.
CO208.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the role of key trade organizations in the global economic system.
CO208.3ApplyingINDENTIFY the crucial elements of international trade laws.
CO208.4AnalysingANALYSE the forces that work for and against globalization.
CO208.5EvaluatingASSESS the impact of the elements of the Global Economic System on the India Economy.
CO208.6CreatingCREATE a Country Profile based on various aspects of Geopolitics and World Economic Systems
214 Industry Analysis - Desk ResearchCO214.1RememberingDESCRIBE the key characteristics of the players in an industry.
CO214.2UnderstandingSUMMARIZE the management ethos and philosophy of the players in the industry
CO214.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE an understanding of the regulatory forces acting on the industry.
CO214.4AnalysingCOMPARE and CONTRAST, using tables and charts, the market and financial performance of the players in an industry
CO214.5EvaluatingASSESS the impact of recent developments on the industry and its key players.
CO214.6CreatingPREDICT the future trajectory of the evolution of the industry in the immediate future (1 to 3 years).
205 Marketing ResearchCO205MKT.1RememberingIDENTIFY and DESCRIBE the key steps involved in the marketing research process.
CO205MKT.2UnderstandingCOMPARE and CONTRAST various research designs, data sources, data collection instruments, sampling methods and analytical tools and SUMMARIZE their strengths & weaknesses.
CO205MKT.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE an understanding of the ethical framework that market research needs to operate within
CO205MKT.4AnalysingANALYSE quantitative data and draw appropriate Inferences to address a real life marketing issue
CO205MKT.5EvaluatingDESIGN a market research proposal for a real life marketing research problem and EVALUATE a market research proposal
CO205MKT.6CreatingPLAN and UNDERTAKE qualitative or quantitative Market Research and demonstrate the ability to appropriately analyse data to resolve a real life marketing issue.
206 Consumer BehaviorO206MKT.1RememberingENUMERATE social and psychological factors and their influence his/her behavior as a consumer.
CO206MKT.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN fundamental concepts associated with consumer and organizational buying behavior.
CO206MKT.3ApplyingAPPLY consumer behavior concepts to real world strategic marketing management decision making
CO206MKT.4AnalysingANALYSE the dynamics of human behavior and the basic factors that influence the consumer’s decision process
CO206MKT.5EvaluatingEXPLAIN the consumer and organizational buying behavior process for a variety of products (goods/services).
217 MKT - IMCO206MKT.1RememberingENUMERATE social and psychological factors and their influence his/her behavior as a consumer.
CO217MKT.1RememberingDESCRIBE the IMC mix and the IMC planning process.
CO217MKT.2UnderstandingEXAMINE the role of integrated marketing communications in building brand identity, brand equity, and customer franchise
CO217MKT.3ApplyingCONSTRUCT a marketing communications mix to achieve the communications and behavioural objectives of the IMC campaign plan.
CO217MKT.4AnalysingANALYZE and critically evaluate the communications effects and results of an IMC campaign to determine its success for a variety of brands
CO217MKT.5EvaluatingDESIGN a sales promotion campaign and CHOOSE the avenues for Public Relations, Publicity and Corporate Advertising for a consumer and a business-to-business product
CO217MKT.6CreatingDEVELOP an integrated cross-media strategy and creative message and concept to reach the target audience and deliver the brand promise through an IMC campaign for a variety of brands
219MKT: Personal Selling LabCO219MKT.1RememberingLIST the key terms in selling and DESCRIBE the qualities of Winning Sales Professionals.
CO219MKT.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the concepts and terms that are central to personal selling.
CO219MKT.3ApplyingAPPLY personal selling process and skills in real-life selling situations.
CO219MKT.4AnalysingILLUSTRATE the use of various sales techniques needed to achieve a profitable sale for a real world product/ service / e-product / e-service.
CO219MKT.5EvaluatingDEVELOP a customer plan that identifies all elements of personal selling, essential for creating successful sales for a real-world product/ service / e-product / e-service
CO219MKT.6CreatingDESIGN sales presentations for a real world product/ service / eproduct / e-service and for variety of selling situations.
205FIN-Financial Markets and Banking OperationsCO205FIN.1RememberingRECALL the structure and components of Indian financial system through banking operations & Financial Markets
CO205FIN.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND the concepts of financial markets, their working and importance
CO205FIN.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE the working and contribution of Banks and NBFCs to the Indian Economy
CO205FIN.4AnalysingANALYZE the linkages in the Financial Markets.
CO205FIN.5EvaluatingEXPLAIN the various banking and accounting transactions.
CO205FIN.6CreatingDEVELOP necessary competencies expected of a finance professional.
206FIN Personal Financial PlanningCO206FIN.1RememberingUNDERSTAND the need and aspects of personal financial planning
CO206FIN.2UnderstandingDescribe the investment options available to an individual
CO206FIN.3ApplyingIDENTIFY types of risk and means of managing it
CO206FIN.4AnalysingDETERMINE the ways of personal tax planning
CO206FIN.5EvaluatingEXPLAIN retirement and estate planning for an individual and design a financial plan
CO206FIN.6CreatingCREATE a financial plan for a variety of individuals
217FIN Securities Analysis & Portfolio ManagementCO217FIN.1RememberingREMEMBER various concepts taught in the syllabus.
CO217FIN.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN various theories of Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
CO217FIN.3ApplyingCALCULATE risk and return on investment using various concepts covered in the syllabus
CO217FIN.4AnalyzingANALYZE and DISCOVER intrinsic value of a security.
CO217FIN.5EvaluatingDESIGN/ CREATE optimal portfolio.
219FIN Direct TaxationCO219FIN.1RememberingUNDERSTAND various basic concepts/ terminologies related Direct Taxation
CO219FIN.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN how tax planning can be done.
CO219FIN.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE how online filling of various forms and returns can be done.
CO219FIN.4AnalysingCALCULATE Gross Total Income and Income Tax Liability of an individual assessee
CO219FIN.5EvaluatingANALYZE and DISCOVER intrinsic value of a security.
CO219FIN.6CreatingDESIGN/ DEVELOP / CREATE tax saving plan.
205HRM Competency Based Human Resource Management SystemCO205HRM.1RememberingDEFINE the key terms related to performance management and competency development
CO205HRM.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN various models of competency development
CO205HRM.3ApplyingPRACTICE competency mapping.
CO205HRM.4AnalysingANALYSE competencies required for present and potential future job roles at various levels and across variety of organizations.
CO205HRM.5EvaluatingDESIGN and MAP their own competency and plan better and appropriate career for themselves.
CO205HRM.6CreatingDEVELOP a customized competency model in accordance with the corporate requirements
206HRM Employee Relations and Labour LegislationsCO206HRM.1RememberingSHOW awareness of important and critical issues in Employee Relations
CO206HRM.2UnderstandingINTERPRET and relate legislations governing employee relations.
CO206HRM.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE an understanding of legislations relating to working environment.
CO206HRM.4AnalysingOUTLINE the role of government, society and trade union in ER.
CO206HRM.5EvaluatingEXPLAIN aspects of collective bargaining and grievance handling
CO206HRM.6CreatingDISCUSS the relevant provisions of various Labour Legislations
218HRM: Lab in Recruitment and SelectionCO218HRM.1RememberingDESCRIBE the key concepts such as Job Specification, Job description, Recruitment and Selection.
CO218HRM.2UnderstandingCOMPARE and CONTRAST various methods of Recruitment and Selection.
CO218HRM.3ApplyingDEVELOP Job Specifications and Job descriptions in a variety of context.
CO218HRM.4.AnalysingANALYZE various Personality types.
CO218HRM.5CvaluatingEXPLAIN the profiling techniques used to test Personality, Aptitude, Competency.
CO218HRM.6CreatingCOMPILE a list of questions for Recruitment and Selection interviews.
219HRM: Learning & DevelopmentCO219HRM.1RememberingDESCRIBE the key concepts associated with Learning & Development
CO219HRM.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the training process and the various methods of training for various categories of employees in a variety of organizational contexts.
CO219HRM.3ApplyingIDENTIFY training needs of various categories of employees in a variety of organizational contexts.
CO219HRM.4AnalysingEXAMINE the impact of training on various organizational and HR aspects.
CO219HRM.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the training process of various categories of employees in a variety of organizational contexts.
CO219HRM.6CreatingDESIGN a training programme for various categories of employees in a variety of organizational contexts.

Second Year M.B.A. - Semester: III & IV Course Outcome

Subject (Course Name) and CodeCOBT-LevelDescription
301 Strategic ManagementCO301.1RememberingDESCRIBE the basic terms and concepts in Strategic Management.
CO301.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the various facets of Strategic Management in a real world context.
CO301.3ApplyingDESCRIBE the trade-offs within and across strategy formulation, implementation, appraisal.
CO301.4AnalysingINTEGRATE the aspects of various functional areas of management to develop a strategic perspective.
CO301.5EvaluatingEXPLAIN the nature of the problems and challenges confronted by the top management team and the approaches required to function effectively as strategists.
302 Decision ScienceCO302.1RememberingDESCRIBE the concepts and models associated with Decision Science.
CO302.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND the different decision-making tools required to achieveoptimisation in business processes.
CO302.3ApplyingAPPLY appropriate decision-making approach and tools to be used in business environment
CO302.4AnalysingANALYSE real life situation with constraints and examine the problemsusing different decision-making tools
CO302.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the various facets of a business problem and develop problem solving ability
CO302.6CreatingDISCUSS & propose the various applications of decision tools in the present business scenario.
306 – International Business EconomicsCO306.1RememberingRECALL and DEFINE the economic aspects of international business.
CO 306 .2UnderstandingDEMONSTRATE the outcomes of globalising and liberalising trade environment, trade policy frameworks and macroeconomic linkages of the open economy
CO 306 .3ApplyingIDENTIFY the mechanisms and working of the foreign exchange markets.
CO 306 .4AnalysingEXAMINE how a trade policy improves or diminishes the prospects of survival / growth of business.
CO 306 .5EvaluatingMEASURE the implications of International Financial Crisis and its repercussions on International Trade
CO306.6CreatingCOMPOSE a matrix of various economic aspects of international business and their linkages with Indian Economy
308 Project ManagementCO 308 .1RememberingDEFINE the key terms and concepts in project management.
CO 308 .2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the Importance of project management methodologies and tools at the distinct stages in the Project’s life cycle
CO 308 .3ApplyingILLUSTRATE the importance of PM in most industries and businesses
CO 308 .4AnalysingEXAMINE the importance of Leadership specifically in heterogenous and virtual teams as well as governance and approaches to conflict resolutions
CO 308 .5EvaluatingDESIGN dashboard, status report and index for Key Performance Indicators of project for the Management
310– Corporate GovernanceCO310.1RememberingENUMERATE the global contemporary developments in Corporate Governance.
CO310.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the importance of regulation, markets and information in corporate governance and CATEGORIZE the role of Board of Directors and Committees for good Corporate Governance.
CO310.3.ApplyingEXAMINE the provision of Corporate Governance for listed and unlisted firms.
CO310.4AnalysingANALYSE the enterprise risk for formulating the Internal control policies.
CO310.5EvaluatingEvaluate the legal framework and global perspective of Corporate Governance.
CO310.6CreatingDISCUSS Cases related to Corporate Governance.
304 Services Marketing304 MKT.1RememberingRECALL the key concepts in services marketing
304 MKT.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the role of Extended Marketing Mix in Services
304 MKT.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE the new Paradigm and Perspectives in Marketing of Services
304 MKT.4AnalysingANALYSE the significance of services marketing in the Indian and global Economy
304 MKT.5EvaluatingEVALUATE Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning of Services in dynamic marketing Environment
304 MKT.6CreatingDEVELOP marketing mix for various services offering
305 Sales & Distribution ManagementCO305MKT.1RememberingDESCRIBE the theoretical concepts related to Sales Management and Distribution Management Domain
CO305MKT.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND the concepts, techniques and approaches required for effective decision making in the areas of Sales and Distribution.
CO305MKT.3ApplyingAPPLY the concepts related to sales and distribution management.
CO305MKT.4AnalyzingANALYZE the real life scenarios of sales and distribution management.
CO305MKT.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the existing sales and distribution strategies and approaches.
CO305MKT.6CreatingDEVELOP generate and evaluate sales and distribution strategies.
312 Business to Business MarketingCO312 MKT.1RememberingDEFINE the terms and concepts related to Business to Business Marketing
CO312 MKT.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the terms and concepts used in business to business marketing
CO312 MKT.3ApplyingIDENTIFY challenges and opportunities in Business-to-Business Marketing.
CO312 MKT.4AnalysingFORMULATE segmentation, targeting and positioning, consumer buying behaviour and marketing mix in the context of Business to Business marketing
CO312 MKT.5EvaluatingDESIGN marketing mix elements considering business-to-business sales and service situations
CO312 MKT.6CreatingDEVELOP marketing plan for business-to-business Marketing situations.
313 MKT International MarketingCO313MKT.1RememberingENUMERATE various terms and key concepts associated with international marketing
CO313MKT.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN various key concepts used in all aspects of international marketing.
CO313MKT.3ApplyingAPPLY all stages in international marketing management process.
CO313MKT.4AnalysingEXAMINE various facets of international marketing environment and the relevant aspects of international marketing management process from a data driven decision perspective
CO313MKT.5EvaluatingJUDGE suitability of alternative market segmentation bases, target market selection, market entry strategies, positioning strategies and international marketing mix strategies based on Assessment of international marketing environment.
CO313MKT.6CreatingDESIGN appropriate market segmentation, target market, market entry strategies, positioning strategies and international marketing mix strategies for business organizations.
315 MKT: Marketing of Financial Services - IICO315MKT.1RememberingREMEMBERING -RECALL the key terminology of Financial Services, Mutual fund, Insurance products and other alternative investment products.
CO315MKT.2UnderstandingUNDERSTANDING: Compare the characteristics of different types of financial products and services.
CO315MKT.3ApplyingIDENFITY characteristics, risks and returns associated with financial products and services offered in Indian Market from an investment advisor’s perspective.
CO315MKT.4AnalysingCompare the different financial products available in Indian financial market
CO315MKT.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the financial products and services from an investment perspective for various kinds of investors.
CO315MKT.6CreatingCREATING: Design Financial Product Portfolio for Indian Investor
304 FIN– Advanced Financial ManagementCO 304.1RememberingDESCRIBE the basic concepts in financing, investing and profit distribution in a firm
CO 304.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN theoretical concepts related to raising and use of funds and value of firm
CO 304 .3ApplyingCALCULATE values for making capital structure, investment, liquidity and dividend decisions in the financial management of a firm
CO 304.4AnalysingANALYZE the Leverage and PBIT EPS Analysis associate with Financial Data in the corporate
CO 304.5EvaluatingEvaluate the key strategic financial issues that must be considered in an acquisition or merger
CO304.6CreatingDESIGN an appropriate financial strategy using any one or multiple concepts/ techniques learned in this course.
305 FIN – International FinanceCO305FIN.1RememberingRECALL the basic concepts associated with international finance.
CO305FIN.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the various the concepts related to Foreign Exchange Markets, transactions on the international foreign exchange market, Taxation Systems, International Receivables and cash management.
CO305FIN.3ApplyingUSE International Monetary Fund, World Bank, credit rating agencies, foreign exchange, foreign exchange transactions, taxation system, International Receivables and cash management in International financial market.
CO305FIN.4AnalyzingANALYZE the role of exchange rate and credit rating agencies, foreign exchange transactions, taxation system, Receivables and cash management in International financial market.
CO305FIN.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, credit rating agencies, foreign exchange, foreign exchange transactions, taxation system, Receivables and cash management in International finance.
CO305FIN.6CreatingCREATE the investment/ business plan by adopting various international finance concepts
315 FIN – Indirect TaxationCO315FIN.1RememberingRemembering the key concepts of Indirect Taxes in India Identifying and enumerating the various terms associated with GST and other indirect taxes
CO315FIN.2UnderstandingExplain how GST works as an Uniform Tax Structure, Illustrate the GST framework of India, & describe the important concepts such as supply, dual taxation method, registration process, etc.
CO315FIN.3ApplyingApply the theories and Principles and perform all calculation through numerical problems on valuation and calculation of taxes. Identify the time value of supply; determine the taxable person and tax levied on goods and services.
CO315FIN.4AnalysingIllustrate the e filling process of GST Categorize the Goods and Services under GST and amount of tax to be paid using Dual tax concept.
CO315FIN.5EvaluatingEvaluate Input Tax Credit Process, reversal, late filing and New Amendments; appraise various indirect taxes; Interpret the GST framework in India & verify the tax levied on Goods and Services.
CO315FIN.6CreatingElaborate all Provisions of GST and can correlate with filing of returns; virtual e filling can be done Estimate the GST, TDS, anticipate goods, services, tax payable person for the business.
318 Fin–Digital BankingCO318 FIN 1RememberingRemember various concepts and products in Digital Banking
CO318 FIN.2UnderstandingExplain and understand the significance and development of Digital Banking
CO318 FIN 3ApplyingAPPLYING Compare and contrast the Branchless Banking and Traditional Banking
CO318 FIN.4AnalysingAnalyze the payment system of digital banking from consumer’s point of view
CO318 FIN.5EvaluatingEvaluate Role of digital banking and emerging technologies in economic development
CO318 FIN.6CreatingCREATING Create a holistic digital transformation strategy for a bank
316 FIN – Corporate Financial RestructuringCO316FIN.1RememberingDESCRIBE the basic concepts related corporate restructuring, Mergers & Acquisitions, Valuation Aspects of Corporate Restructuring and Corporate Governance Aspects of Restructuring.
CO316FIN.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the motivations, decision processes, transaction execution, and valuation consequences of financial, business, and organizational restructuring by corporate units.
CO316FIN.3ApplyingPERFORM all the required calculations through relevant numerical problems.
CO316FIN.4AnalysingANALYZE the situation by calculations of exchange ratio, financial returns, valuations and others.
CO316FIN.5EvaluatingEVALUATE impact of corporate financial restructuring on all stakeholders
CO316FIN.6CreatingCREATE an interface and model on various dimensions of corporate finance and restructuring process.
304HRM- Strategic Human Resource ManagementCO304HRM.1RememberingREMEMBER the strategies adopted by HR and their implementation issues and challenges faced by the organization in national and international context.
CO304HRM.2UnderstandingUNDERSTANDING Ability to UNDERSTAND and ARTICULATE the basic concepts of SHRM and link the HR strategies to the organizational business strategies.
CO304HRM.3Applying and AnalyzingAPPLYING AND ANALYZING Ability to ANALYZE HR as an investment to the company.
CO304HRM.4EvaluatingEVALUATING Ability to INTERPRET and EVALUATE the implementation of the HR strategies.
CO304HRM.5CreatingFORMULATE and provide realistic solutions to the industry by designing innovative strategies and logical decision making.
305HRM : HR OperationsCO305HRM.1RememberingDescribe the functioning of personnel department
CO305HRM.2UnderstandingUNDERSTANDING Understand the communication of HR & Personnel department
CO305HRM.3ApplyingApply the knowledge of various provisions under laws related to social Security and Labour welfare
CO305HRM.4AnalysingExamine various compensation structure and disciplinary policies
CO305HRM.5EvaluatingEvaluate applicability of provisions of laws related to social security and labour welfare across various sectors
CO305HRM.6CreatingDesign a salary structure incorporating all components of payroll system
315HRM : International HRCO315HRM.1RememberingIDENTIFY key perspectives of global workforce management
CO315HRM.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND cultural aspects of International HRM
CO315HRM.3ApplyingPREPARE HR planning for long term global staffing
CO315HRM.4AnalysingILLUSTRATE steps involved in global selection of human resources
CO315HRM.5EvaluatingFORMULATE Training and development policy for expatriate employees of an organization
CO315HRM.6CreatingANALYZE / COMPARE important points that needs to be included while drafting global workforce performance & development management system of an organization
316 HRM: Mentoring and CoachingCO316HRM.1RememberingENUMERATE various concepts of Mentoring and Coaching
CO316HRM.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND techniques of Mentoring and Coaching
CO316HRM.3ApplyingAPPLY models of Mentoring and Coaching to real world scenarios
CO316HRM.4AnalyzingANALYSE issues in Mentoring and Coaching
CO316HRM.5Evaluating & CreatingEvaluating & Creating DEVELOP skills needed to become Mentor, Coach
319 HRM -: Change Management & new technologies in HRM319HRM.1RememberingDEFINE Change Management and its significance
319HRM.2UnderstandingUNDERSTANDING change management model and practices
319HRM.3ApplyingAPPLY Change Management in context to digital transformation
319HRM.4Analysing & EvaluatingEXAMINE and DETERMINE various concepts in human resource information system
319HRM.5CreatingIMPLEMENT change management in the organization.
401 Enterprise Performance ManagementCO401.1RememberingEnumerate the different parameters & facets of management control of an enterprise.
CO401.2UnderstandingEnumerate the different parameters & facets of management control of an enterprise.
CO401.3ApplyingDetermine the applicability of various tools and metrics as a performance evaluation & management tools.
CO401.4AnalysingAnalyse the key financial & non-financial attributes to evaluate enterprise performance.
CO401.5EvaluatingFormulate the various parameters to evaluate enterprise performance effectively through implementation of strategy
402 Indian Ethos & Business EthicsCO402.1RememberingDESCRIBE major theories, concepts, terms, models and framework of Indian ethos and business ethics. DISCOVER the contemporary Issues in Business Ethics
CO402.2UnderstandingCLASSIFY and RECOGNIZE Karma, Karma Yoga and discover its relevance in business setting, ILLUSTRATE the business ethical decision rationale derived from Indian Heritage Scriptures.
CO402.3ApplyingAPPLY Principles, Theories, Models and Framework of Indian ethos and business ethics in order to incorporate value system in work culture and work place.
CO402.4AnalysingDEVELOP and EXHIBIT analytical, problem solving skills, and work ethos by COMPREHENSION and PRACTICE of Indian ethos and value system
CO402.5EvaluatingIMPLEMENT, EVALUATE, and FACILITATE ethical business behavior and promote sustainable business ecology, improve profitability, foster business relation and employee productivity.
CO402.6CreatingELABORATE Ethical dilemmas in different business areas of marketing, HRM and Finance and ADAPT dilemma resolution interventions by referring to certain norms, theories and models of Eastern Management.
408 CSR and SustainabilityCO408.1RememberingEnumerate the different concepts, legislative provisions, environmental aspects, best practices, complexity, scope, reports, social framework etc. related to CSR, business ethics & sustainability development.
CO408.2UnderstandingCompare different CSR theories, cases, dimensions of Sustainability and demonstrate a multi stake holder perspective in viewing CSR, Business ethics & Sustainability issues etc.
CO408.3ApplyingApply the different models, theories, approaches, cases etc. For implementation & monitoring of CSR activities & Sustainability and its impact on corporate culture & society at large
CO408.4AnalysingAnalyze the different reports, cases, various legal issues relating to CSR, different sustainability reports and various national and global initiatives related to CSR, Business ethics & Sustainability
CO408.5EvaluatingEvaluate the level of commitment of different organizations to CSR, Business ethics in attaining Sustainability development & show its competitive advantages
CO408.6CreatingCreate & Implement a CSR policy in attaining Sustainability development and its impact on various stakeholders
405 – Global Strategic ManagementCO405.1RememberingDefine the concept and key terms associated with the global strategic management.
CO405.2UnderstandingDescribe in detail global strategic alliance, merger and acquisitions.
CO405.3ApplyingDemonstrate various global organisation models in global strategic management context.
CO405.4AnalyzingExamine various entry and business-level strategies from global strategic management prospective.
CO405.5EvaluatingExplain globalization, innovation, and sustainability and challenges to strategic management.
CO405.6CreatingDesign global strategies and understand their relative merits and demerits.
403 MKT Marketing 4.0O403MKT.1RememberingDESCRIBE the various concepts associated with Marketing 4.0
CO403MKT.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the importance of 5A’s in Marketing 4.0.
CO403MKT.3ApplyingDEMONSTRATE the application of concepts of digital marketing, new productivity metrics, Human centric marketing, Omni channel marketing to the real world of digital economy
CO403MKT.4AnalysingDISTINGUISH between traditional and digital marketing practices in given real world context to be the effective marketers
CO403MKT.5EvaluatingASSESS how Technology & connectivity has changed human life and business in the context of real-world commodities, products & services.
CO403MKT.6CreatingDEVELOP strategies to create WOW! Moments with customer engagement
404 MKT Marketing StrategyCO404MKT.1RememberingREMEMBERING DISCOVER perspectives of market strategy.
CO404MKT.2UnderstandingUNDERSTANDING UNDERSTAND the intricacies of competitive marketing situations and ways to handle each situation
CO404MKT.3ApplyingAPPLYING BUILD a market strategy through integrating concepts like product life cycle, adoption, and segmentation, branding, pricing, distribution, and market communication.
CO404MKT.4AnalysingANALYSING ANALYSE a company’s current situation through applying internal and external analyses
CO404MKT.5EvaluatingEVALUATING EXPLAIN alternative ways to measure the outcome of market strategies
CO404MKT.6CreatingCREATING CREATE Corporate Advantage by exploring how the scope of firms is influenced by resources that are shared across products.
409 MKT Customer Relationship ManagementCO 409MKT.1RememberingDEFINE and DESCRIBE basic concepts and theories related to CRM.
CO 409MKT.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND and EXPLAIN key concepts and theories associated with CRM.
CO 409MKT.3ApplyingAPPLY and ILLUSTRATE principles, theories and models of CRM in B2B and B2C markets.
CO 409MKT.4AnalysingCLASSIFY Customer acquisition and retention strategies and ANALYZE Customer database in CRM.
CO 409MKT.5EvaluatingEVALUATE suitability and effectiveness of CRM strategies in specific marketing situation.
CO 409MKT.6CreatingDEVELOP CRM strategies/plans for various B2B and B2C markets.
412 MKT Retail MarketingCO 412 MKT.1RememberingDEFINE various concepts associated with retail marketing
CO412 MKT.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN the terms and concepts used in Retail Marketing
CO412 MKT.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE value creation & competitive advantage in Retail Marketing.
CO412 MKT.4AnalysingANALYSE the contemporary issues affecting Retail marketing decisions
CO412 MKT.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the effectiveness of Retail marketing mix used by different Retail formats
CO412 MKT.6CreatingFORMULATE effective retail marketing strategy
403 FIN Financial LawsCO403 .1RememberingDefine and Describe the basic concepts related to Financial Laws
CO403 .2UnderstandingIllustrate the implications of various laws, Explain concepts and details of various financial laws
CO403 .3ApplyingMake use of contextual financial laws applicable to organisations.
CO403 .4AnalysingInfer the application of financial laws to organisations
CO403 .5EvaluatingAppraise and perceive the benefits of applicable laws to the organisations
404 FIN Current Trends & Cases in FinanceCO404FIN.1RememberingDESCRIBE the concepts related to emerging areas of Microfinance, Small finance banks, Payment Banks, Start-Ups, SHG and Digitization and analytics
CO404FIN.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN in detail, all the theoretical concepts taught through the syllabus
CO404FIN.3ApplyingAPPLY the various theories and models of financial management in the case.
CO404FIN.4AnalysingANALYSE the situation and decide the key financial as well as non-financial elements involved in the situation.
CO404FIN.5EvaluatingEVALUATE the financial impact of the alternative on the given case.
412 Fin Strategic Cost ManagementCO412.1RememberingRemember the basic concepts, tools and techniques of cost management in the contemporary business environment and how it has influenced cost management
CO412.2UnderstandingEXPLAIN in detail, all the theoretical concepts taught through the syllabus; differentiate between various costing techniques
CO412.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE contemporary management techniques and how they are used in cost management to respond to the contemporary business environment
CO412.4AnalysingANALYSE the situation and decide the key cost factors / elements involved in the decision making
CO412.5EvaluatingFORMULATE new models and techniques for managing the cost strategically in any business organization
411 FIN – Risk ManagementCO411FIN.1RememberingDescribe various concept associated with risk management and financial risk management.
CO411FIN.2UnderstandingExemplify the financial risk management processes, frameworks.
CO411FIN.3ApplyingDetermine the various building blocks of risk management system and strategies.
CO411FIN.4AnalyzingClassify various risks associated with enterprise, banks, insurance etc.
CO411FIN.5EvaluatingFormulate the strategies to overcome with currency risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, legal risk, asset liability risk, liquidity risk etc.
CO411FIN.6CreatingFormulate the strategies to manage currency risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, legal risk, asset liability risk, liquidity risk etc.
403 HRM Organizational Diagnosis & DevelopmentCO403.1RememberingDESCRIBE the major theories, concepts, terms, models tools and frameworks in the field of Organizational Diagnosis & Development.
CO403.2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND concept of OD and ‘intervention’.
CO403.3ApplyingMAKE USE of the Theories, Models, Principles and Frameworks of Organizational Diagnosis & Development in specific organizational settings
CO403.4AnalysingANALYZE the external and internal environment with right tool of diagnosis and review the role of consultant in OD.
CO403.5EvaluatingIDENTIFY AND MAP an intervention to organisational need
CO403.6CreatingDESIGN the role of the consultant for an organisational issue
404 HRM Current Trends & Cases in Human Resource ManagementCO404HRM.1RememberingDESCRIBE the conceptual framework of Digital Disruptions and its impact on the current HR Trends
CO404HRM.2UnderstandingSUMMARIZE the impact of Current HR trends on HR Functions
CO404HRM.3ApplyingILLUSTRATE value creation & competitive advantage of Technology on current HR Trends
CO404HRM.4AnalysingEXAMINE the changing role of HR Priorities
CO404HRM.5EvaluatingELABORATE upon the various types of current HR Trends
CO404HRM.6CreatingAPPLY the existing Tech tools to real time HRM Challenges and offer Solutions
409 HRM: Labour LegislationCO1.RememberingAWARENESS about foundation of labor legislation.
CO2UnderstandingUNDERSTAND the legislation related to various labor and social laws.
CO3ApplyingAPPLY formulas of specific laws and calculate.
CO4AnalysingSTUDY labor legislation and effective implementation of them through case laws.
CO5EvaluatingREVIEW AND UNDERSTAND different labor legislations and its amendments.
413 HRM Employee Engagement and OwnershipCO413.1RememberingIDENTIFY the basic concepts of Employee Engagement and Employee Ownership.
CO413.2UnderstandingUNDERSTANDING the various factors, models and metrics involved in Employee engagement.
CO413.3ApplicationDETERMINATION of various Employee Engagement Activities and types of Employee Ownership practiced in all scales of companies at various sectors.
CO413.4AnalysisIMPLEMENTATION of Engagement strategies and BUILDING Engagement Culture in companies.
CO413.5EvaluationEVALUATION of Employee engagement and Employee Ownership and its impact on the performance of businesses
CO413.6CreationAPPLICATION of Employee engagement practices and Employee Ownership at various sectors of industry.