The higher education institutions have profound moral responsibility to increase awareness, knowledge, skill and values needed to create Sustainable Future. The distinctiveness of DYPIMCAM has been elucidated through Encouragement and Promotion of Sustainability amongst Stakeholders (EPSS).
EPSS mainly includes four dimensions
Dimension 1: Fostering Culture of Sustainability
The institute nurtures Sustainable Culture amongst stakeholders by carrying out following exercises:
The institute promotes sustainable practices amongst the Students, teaching as well as Non-Teaching Staff members by adopting Green Practices on Daily basis like Saving Energy, Use of Bio-waste Plant, Conservation of water (Rain harvesting), Use of LEDs/ White Light with low wattage bulbs, Use of Solar Panel, Organic Waste Converter (OWC) etc.
Sustainability themes like Save Water, Save Earth, Save Girl Child are given as themes for various Competitions and Extracurricular Events which are conducted throughout the year.
The institute has regular practice of conducting Green Audit / Environment Audit as well as Energy audit to ensure conservation of energy and to sustain the environment.
Going Digital:
To save paper, trees and environment the institute always encourages paperless work through implemented ERP System at the Institute level.
The Institute Policy Document on Environment and Energy Usage is in place to manage energy and reduce its negative environmental effects.
In the context of sustainability, to foster a clear understanding amongst students, staff, and visitors, institute is using a display panel as a tool which is an effective approach to communicate and sensitize individuals about the importance of SDF-related goals. A display panel is serving as a visual, informative medium to sensitize every member of institute about the institution’s commitment to sustainability and development goals.
Dimension 2: Establishment of Sustainability Development Forum (SDF)
The institute has organized an Expert session to enhancing the knowledge and skills of students regarding sustainable practices, environmental awareness, and integrating sustainability concepts into teaching and research. Mithu Shah, General Manager, Energy Transition Manager, Worley, India was the resource person for the event. The impact of the expert session was that, it prepared students to address the environmental challenges of the future.
The institute organizes a range of events and competitions in celebration of World Earth Day.
With the aim of Sustainability Development, the Institute organized a Clean-up Drives, Poster Making Competition, Environment Quiz Completion where students actively participated and showcased their creativity and knowledge towards environmental awareness and Sustenance of Earth.
The institute organized a plant distribution and plantation activity in Akurdi. The institute aimed to contribute to environmental sustainability and community welfare by planting trees to enhance green cover, mitigate climate change and promote biodiversity in the area. Participants actively engaged in the plantation process, fostering a sense of environmental stewardship and collective responsibility towards preserving value for present and future generations.
Dimension 3: Promoting Curriculum Enrichment and Research Development for Sustainable Future
The Institute integrates sustainability in Curriculum and organises Conferences on Sustainability to raise awareness about Sustainable Practices. Also, the Institute focuses keenly on the research development to create innovative environmental solutions.
The Institute organized Two Days National Conference on SDGs on 15th and 16th February 2024 in association with Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Journal Press. An Edited book of selected papers was published on the theme of SDGs in Technology and Management.
The MBA Programme curriculum of affiliating University has provided a scope for selecting a University Level Course for final semester MBA students on “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability”. The subject focuses on the approach of the corporate world over the issues and requirements of social and environmental factors. The students are sensitized on Sustainability through various case studies on CSR and sustainability initiatives of different companies. Moreover, Green Computing is chosen by the Institute as an Open Course for MCA Program to inculcate and to motivate the stakeholders of education organizations to think green for sustenance of computing, society and globe. The Green Computing practices are lessening greenhouse gas releases however by keeping utilization of computing as it is in our everyday life.
The Institute encourages the faculties to contribute their research efforts to solve the societal problems by developing Sustainable Computer Application Projects like "Carbon Emission Calculator Application" for betterment of the society.
The Research Centre fosters research work towards achieving Sustainability Development Goals and ensures innovative solutions to promote environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability. By encouraging such research, the Institute aims to cultivate researchers who are equipped to tackle the complex challenges of sustainability and drive positive change in their communities.
The Savitribai Phule Pune University has approved and provided funding for the two ASPIRE Research Project from the institute
Dimension 4: Collaboration with Industries to encourage Sustainability
The institute has taken an effort to collaborate with esteemed organizations like EvolvingX Services (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. and National Agriculture Higher Education Project CAAST, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani to encourage sustainability. EvolvingX Services (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. is a capacity building and youth empowerment partner, which works to empower students through skill based training and research. National Agriculture Higher Education Project CAAST, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani is integrated by three interdisciplinary research divisions such as Agribots, Agri-Drones and Agri-AGV’s.
The distinctiveness of “Encouragement and Promotion of Sustainability among Stakeholders (EPSS)” ensures that the seed of Sustainable Development is firmly planted, leading to long-term benefits for the Institute and Society at large. The institute ensure that the Stakeholders have motivated towards sustainable development and are able to lead socially responsible lives towards a more Sustainable Future.